You will be pleasantly surprised if you give yourself a month of honest effort to improve your health and mobility by doing Chair and Mat Yoga.
This gentle program will ease you into the world of yoga whatever your age or ability and even if you have never done yoga before.
If you are out of shape, recently recovering from illness or surgery, overweight or simply a beginner who wants to start gently, this program is designed for you.
Chair Yoga works the joints and muscles to increase flexibility, strength, balance, range of motion, circulation, as well as helping to create a sense of calm and relaxation while practicing breathing technique.
Location: Fluid Fitness Studio #7 - 1176 Franklyns Gull Parksville (across from Albertsons in the Industrial Park)
Rate: $64/ 4 week program or $10 Drop- In Classes
Registration: Contact Nadia Certified Yoga Instructor
email: [email protected]
This gentle program will ease you into the world of yoga whatever your age or ability and even if you have never done yoga before.
If you are out of shape, recently recovering from illness or surgery, overweight or simply a beginner who wants to start gently, this program is designed for you.
Chair Yoga works the joints and muscles to increase flexibility, strength, balance, range of motion, circulation, as well as helping to create a sense of calm and relaxation while practicing breathing technique.
Location: Fluid Fitness Studio #7 - 1176 Franklyns Gull Parksville (across from Albertsons in the Industrial Park)
Rate: $64/ 4 week program or $10 Drop- In Classes
Registration: Contact Nadia Certified Yoga Instructor
email: [email protected]